Evaluating the Effects of Online Training on Employee Self-efficacy. A Dilemma from the Banking Industry in Ghana


  • Fan Mingyue
  • Anastasia Krampah-Nkoom Jiangsu University Business Administration
  • Blessing Dwumah Manu
  • Daniel Oduro




Elements of online training, Self-efficacy, banking industry, logistic regression


Online training has become an essential instrument and the alliance of efficacy. There is a comprehensive and constant discussion in our banking industry about the impact of effective online training on self-efficacy.   This study, therefore, sought to analyze the effects of online training on the probability (likelihood) to enhance self-efficacy in the banking system in Ghana. The study used Individual Employee Perspective, Technology Perspective, Instructor Perspective, Managers Support and training environment as variables measuring the elements of online training.

In this study, the descriptive research design was adopted and data of 510 respondents were collected through a questionnaire survey for analysis. With the application of logistic regression analysis as the key statistical tool, the study centered on Wald test values, p-values and odds ratio values identified used Individual Perspective, Technology Perspective, Instructor Perspective and Managers Support as elements of online training that significantly contributes to the likelihood of enhancing employee self-efficacy. The study recommended that elements of online training with the exception of instructor’s perspective should be intensified in various banking industry so as to enhance employee self-efficacy.


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