Indonesia Wooden Furniture: Transition from the Socio-Cultural Value Leading to the Ecological Value


  • Arianti Ayu Puspita Doctoral Programme of Visual Art & Design Science, Visual Art & Design Faculty Bandung Institute of Technology
  • Agus Sachari Programme Study of Industrial Design, Visual Art & Design Faculty, Bandung Institute of Technology
  • Andar Bagus Sriwarno Programme Study of Industrial Design, Visual Art & Design Faculty, Bandung Institute of Technology



Design character, furniture, sustainability, transition.


Wooden furniture is a cultural product that evolved hundred years ago in Indonesia. There are many types of wood species with high quality grow in Indonesia. In the 21st century, the level of demands for furniture is getting higher, and affecting the availability of the amount of wood. These conditions encourage furniture industry to seek for a wide variety of solid wood, processed wood and wood waste. Wood furniture has a role in the dynamic cultural development of Java Island, Indonesia, from the aspect of spiritual, philosophical, aesthetic and economic. This study aims to describe the transition in social and cultural values that occur in the use of wood materials in furniture, especially in Java. The transition will be described through the eyes of Material Cultural Studies, to show ecological aspects as a new aesthetic value. The method of data analysis is done through a diachronic viewpoint, by dividing the viewpoints into three time dimensions, i.e., the interpolation dimension (the past), the present time and the extrapolation dimension (the future). The interpolation and extrapolation dimensions are the approaches to analyze a set of data. Social culture phenomenon, development of trend technologies, and availability of wooden resources influence the transition of furniture value. Relation between availability of wooden resources have impact on design development. The result of this research are aspects of ecological needed on furniture design and the supporting variables. Therefore, concept of sustainable furniture design in Indonesia would be seen as an opportunity to maintain the continuity of wood.


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