Legal Implications of the Arrangement of Authority of the Indonesian National Army in Overcoming the Armed Separatist Movement, Armed Insurgency and Terrorism


  • Tri Ubayanto Student at Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University. Address: Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University, Veteran Street no. 1 Post code: 65125, Malang City, Indonesia. Phone Number +628112014100
  • Sudarsono sudarsono Professor at Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University. Field of study in of Administrative Law. Address: Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University, Veteran Street no. 1 Post code: 65125, Malang City, Indonesia
  • Iwan Permadi Lecturer at Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University. Field of study in state administrative law and agrarian law. Address: Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University, Veteran Street no. 1 Post code: 65125, Malang City, Indonesia
  • Setyo Widagdo Lecturer at Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University. Field of study in international law. Address: Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University, Veteran Street no. 1 Post code: 65125, Malang City, Indonesia



The Indonesian national army (TNI), separatist movements, armed Insurgency, terrorism, legal implications.


Arrangement the Authority of the Indonesian national army (TNI) in Overcoming the Armed Separatist Movement, Armed Insurgency, and Terrorism Action there are still some problems both physiologically and juridically. The philosophical problem is that the regulation of the TNI's authority gives rise to multiple interpretations and does not create integrated legal handling. Juridical problems, namely Article 7 paragraph (3) uu No. 34 of 2004 are implemented based on state policy and political decisions. This deviates from the provisions of Article 5 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to find the legal implications of the TNI Authority to overcome armed separatist movements, armed insurgencies, and acts of terrorism. This research is normative legal research using the statutory approach, historical approach, comparative approach, philosophical approach. The analysis technique is done by qualitative juridical analysis. The results of this study found several problems including legal obscurity and conflicting norms because there were postulates that conflicted with the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. So the steps to be taken by the government were to revise Law no. 34 of 2004 based on an assessment of the threat escalation carried out by stakeholders from the civil authorities followed by a political decision-making mechanism to use the TNI's power. The revision of Law number 34 of 2004 concerning the TNI should be a legal umbrella for the use of TNI force and ensure the role and involvement of the TNI in combating armed separatism, armed insurgency, and acts of terrorism.


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