A Theoretical Discourse on the Mediatisation and Framing of Jos Ethno-Religious Conflicts


  • Godfrey Naanlang Danaan Lecturer, Mass Communication Department, Faculty of Arts, University of Jos, and Doctoral Student, School of Arts and Media, University of Salford, Manchester, United Kingdom




Mediatisation, framing, ethno-religious conflicts, indigenes, settlers.


Studies on the role of journalists in the Jos ethno- religious conflicts are enormous, but none examines this phenomenon through the theoretical lenses of mediatisation and news framing to understand the logic that underpins the construction of conflict narratives. While mediatisation describes media logic in news production, news framing suggests the way the narratives which constitute news are constructed. Both theories explain journalistic practices in many respects. For instance, understanding media logic is the first step in identifying journalists’ role in the Jos conflicts which in turn determines the brand of journalism they adopt.The Jos conflicts involve a ‘settler’ group craving for recognition and legitimacy on the one hand, and a group of ‘indigenes’ that insists the territory is its inheritance on the other. Based on critical analysis, this paper argues that journalists impose media logic on their audiences through news framing and make them to understand reality from their own point of view. This effort is a new thinking towards understanding theoretical dimensions to media and/or journalistic interventions in the Jos violent conflicts so that researchers may build on these frameworks.  

Author Biography

  • Godfrey Naanlang Danaan, Lecturer, Mass Communication Department, Faculty of Arts, University of Jos, and Doctoral Student, School of Arts and Media, University of Salford, Manchester, United Kingdom

    Department, Faculty of Arts, University of Jos, and

    Doctoral Student, School of Arts and Media, University of Salford, Manchester, United Kingdom


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