Indonesian Traditional Toys and the Development of Batik Motifs


  • Bagus Indrayana Indonesian Institute of Arts Surakarta
  • Karju Karju Indonesian Institute of Arts Surakarta
  • Prima Yustana Indonesian Institute of Arts Surakarta



Batik fashion, new batik motif, traditional toys.Batik fashion, traditional toys.


There is a wide array of traditional toys in Indonesia. In the past, traditional toys played an important role for skill and creativity development of children. Today, the position of traditional toys in the society is displaced by toys from large-scale manufacturers. Given the critical role of traditional toys for children’s motoric and social development, there is a need to develop media that can be used to promote these traditional products and strengthen their position in the public. We propose to use Batik as a way to effectively disseminate and promote traditional toys to the general public. Apart from this, using traditional toys to create new Batik motifs can have an economic value for the producers of Batik, promote Indonesian products and enrich the Indonesian Batik. This study aims to explore the variety of traditional toys, mainly from Klaten and Magelang, in the Central Java province of Indonesia, and use them as the basis for the development of Batik motif creation. This study used Trilogi Keseimbangan (or Harmony Trilogy) aesthetic theory analytical approach that explains the creation of craft consists of the following phases: exploration, design, and materialization. The creation method in this study adopts Tiga Tahap Enam Langkah (Three Phases, Six Steps) method offered in the theory. The finding in the field found that the traditional toys material used in Klaten and Magelang, mostly made from waste wood, plywood, and zinc. The manufacturing process is done manually by two or three craftsmen using a simple technology. The traditional toys are designed by the artisans mostly, although there may be designs from the clients. In addition, we also found that the traditional toys have never been used as a Batik motif. The traditional toys Batik motif presented in this work is researcher’s design. For the purposes of this study, we first research the variety of traditional toys available in the market today in Indonesia. We look into the process of creating these toys. Finally, we develop our own designs with the idea that these designs can be used in the creative industries, particularly in the business of batik.


Author Biographies

  • Bagus Indrayana, Indonesian Institute of Arts Surakarta
    Indonesian Institute of Arts Surakarta, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Department of Craft Arts (Kriya), Assistant Professor
  • Karju Karju, Indonesian Institute of Arts Surakarta
    Indonesian Institute of Arts Surakarta, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Department of Craft Arts (Kriya), Assistant Professor
  • Prima Yustana, Indonesian Institute of Arts Surakarta
    Indonesian Institute of Arts Surakarta, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Department of Craft Arts (Kriya), Instructor


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