Traditional Board Game Revitalization (Case Study of Bas-basan Sepur)


  • Erik - Armayuda Trilogi University



Traditional board game, redesign, modification, adaptation, transformation, bas-basan sepur


Every cultural product has its own characteristics and feature. Culture will become a distinguishing factor in the globalization era, especially in the context of the creative industry. A traditional board game is one of the cultural products with huge potential but few explorations. When the other cultural product could be explored and transform into new cultural creative product design in daily life for particular segmentation, traditional could be another content to explore in order to inherit a value for today generation through the game by making it more adaptive. On the other hand, exploring traditional games in order to make it more adaptive in today era, requires a different approach from the other cultural product. The proper model is required to give a better impact on the exploration process. Using a research model for traditional board game renaissance this study will set up three levels of the traditional game exploration; outer, middle, and inner which is represent physical looks, gameplay, and the concept of the game. Combining these three levels, and set up the action in redesign the physical looks, modify the gameplay, and also adapt the game concept this study will show a brief process of how to turn a traditional board game into each level of transformation. In that way, the transformation of traditional board games into today market is not always put it into digital form. In order to make a better understanding of how to explore traditional board games properly,  a traditional board game from Indonesia called Bas-basan Sepur will use as a case study. By using descriptive method and design thinking to discover the lack and improve the game potentially in each level to make the adaptive version of it, these studies show in practical application and explore the traditional board in proper ways to make it more adaptive. Exploring and developing in order to make a revitalization from a traditional board game into a modern board game which more adaptive in today market and player. Finally, this study is expected to be a pilot project to explore another traditional board game especially in Indonesia.

Author Biography

  • Erik - Armayuda, Trilogi University
    Recently I am a student in National Taiwan University of Arts in the department of graduate school of creative industry (doctoral degree)


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