Noa, a 10-Year-old Composer: A Case Study


  • Michel Hogenes The Hague University of Applied Science



Case study, Cultural-historical activity theory, Music composition, Music notation, Play.


The present case study aims to contribute to the knowledge of music composition as a meaningful activity in music education. An extensive amount of literature on music composition is available; however, music composition as a regular classroom activity is rarely seen in elementary schools. The effects of closely guided music composition, in which extra attention is paid to the revision of music compositions, on engagement in music education and music achievement in a single subject situation were studied using a three-step-model for music composition based on the cultural-historical activity theory. The authors conclude from this case study that executing music composition activities is possible and potentially accessible for elementary school children. The used music composition model offers classroom teachers and music specialists’ possibilities to teach music composition in elementary schools and make music composition accessible for elementary school children. The current study shows that an intense collaboration between a student, as novice, and her teacher, as more knowledgeable adult, leads to more complex compositions than was seen in classroom situations. The intense collaboration offers the teacher the opportunity to adapt to ideas, needs and interests of the student. Therefore, to offer all children in a classroom situation the assistance they need, working in small groups is suggested.

Author Biography

  • Michel Hogenes, The Hague University of Applied Science
    Teacher Education Department


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