The Role of Learners’ Gender Differences in L2 “Inter-Language” Errors of Intermediate- Level Saudi Language Learners


  • Nesreen Saud Alahmadi Tiabiah University
  • Mustapha Lahlali



Gender Differences – Interlanguage Errors - Language Errors- Second Language Acquisition.


Researchers have attempted to examine the unwanted forms (errors) appearing in learners’ spoken or written language production, which are often attributed to the learning process. The level of language proficiency differences in the second language (L2) learning between male and female learners has also been investigated. Most findings show that women are better language learners than their counterparts, (Burstall, 1975; Boyle, 1987), although this assumption has been debated, as other studies have proven otherwise. This study is an attempt to investigate errors resulting from inter-language in second language acquisition through speaking skills. These errors are analyzed in terms of syntax forms between male and female learners to explore the role of gender in error commission. The participants of this study are intermediate-level Saudi English language students. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The findings reveal that inter-language errors in L2 speaking are less observed in males than in females. Furthermore, gender plays an important role in the types of errors produced by L2 learners. Errors resulting from the linguistics process of language development from L1 to L2 provide better understanding of L2 acquisition among different gender.

Author Biography

  • Nesreen Saud Alahmadi, Tiabiah University

    Dr. Nesreen Alahmadi is an Assistant professor at Tibah University. She received her P.hD in Applied Linguistics, School of Languages, Cultures, and Societies at Leeds University, United Kingdom. Her research interests include, second language acquisition and English language teaching and learning.


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