Teaching English Language in Ecuador: A Review from the Inclusive Educational Approach


  • Jhonny Villafuerte Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabi Euroidiomas Institute Manta, Ecuador. Los juegos recreativos para optimizar el desarrollo del equilibrio de niñas y niños de educación básica 2018-2020. Etapa II: Juegos recreativos para fortalecer el equilibrio y la expresión de niños con síndrome de Down del cantón Manta, Ecuador. http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6053-6307
  • Yhomaly Macias Mosquera Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabi, Manta. ULEAM.




Ecuador, English as a foreign language, inclusive education, government policies.


The inclusive education in Ecuador presents relevant advances during the century XXI. However, the information available regarding English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching-learning process in students with Special Educational Need (SEN) suggest the revision of the government policy from the inclusive approach for contributing to the improvement of the current teaching practice. The research aims analyzing government policy for education with an emphasis on instruction of EFL in students with disabilities for the period 1912 to 2020. This work begins with the identification of the current Ecuadorian inclusive education policy, besides the revision of previous laws regarding to the instruction of English as a Foreign Language in this country. The information obtained through the documental analysis contrasts the data emerging through contextualized observation process and semi-structured interviews applied to stakeholders from two public universities located in the province of Manabi during 2019. As a result it is exposed a chronologically systematization chart regarding the evolution of Ecuadorian education policy in which is possible to identify the key inclusive education advances and setbacks in the area of EFL. The conclusions ratified the necessity to strengthen from the inclusive approach the Ecuadorian government policies for the instruction of English as a Foreign Language of learner’s with Special Educational Needs.

Author Biographies

  • Jhonny Villafuerte, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabi Euroidiomas Institute Manta, Ecuador. Los juegos recreativos para optimizar el desarrollo del equilibrio de niñas y niños de educación básica 2018-2020. Etapa II: Juegos recreativos para fortalecer el equilibrio y la expresión de niños con síndrome de Down del cantón Manta, Ecuador.

    Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación


  • Yhomaly Macias Mosquera, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabi, Manta. ULEAM.
    Carrera PINE.


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