Changes in the importance of work-related values in Central and Eastern Europe: Slovenia and Hungary against the trend?


  • Agnes Borgulya University of Pecs
  • Judit Hahn University of Pecs, Hungary



work-related values and attitudes, Central and Eastern Europe, European Values Study, EU, global crisis


The past decade has seen significant political, economic and social changes in several Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. The reasons for the most important transformation processes were the EU membership and the global recession of the late 2000’s. Our study focuses on the effects of these circumstances on people’s work-related values and attitudes. This longitudinal comparative analysis is based on the results of the European Values Study of 1999/2000 and 2008/2009. Our aim is to detect the priorities that determine employees' attitudes to work in ten CEE countries of the EU. Slovenia and Hungary will be paid special attention since these two countries seem not to be followingthe main direction of changes found in the CEE region.


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