About the Journal

journal of arts and humanities coverJournal of Arts and Humanities (JAH) is a peer-reviewed and leading open access journal in the academic discipline of arts and humanities. 

The scope of the Journal focuses on theoretical and empirical research in the broader fields of  Arts and  Humanities areas. JAH publishes original research, creative work, and critical discourse on traditional, contemporary, and popular issues in arts and issues in the field of humanities studies.

Contributions in the field of arts may include artists’ writings, critical essays, historical documentation, interviews, performance texts and plays and book review.  The journal welcomes the submission from the theoretical or empirical aspects of ... view the full scope

Besides English, this journal publishes papers in French and Spanish language. JAH publishes 12 Issues per year in print and online versions.




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Current Issue

Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024): June (Ongoing)
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